内海 裕子2016/8/3

KISSUI × Mompreneur®s in New York — #Interview03
Our third interview is with Ms. Carolyn Dow. She is also Mompreneur®, a catering service provider of 25 years in New York. She told us during our interview that she used to be a singer of a rock band. What a change in career!
Now, why did she start her catering business?
#Carolyn Dow / Carolyn Dow Catering
Carolyn Dow Catering http://www.carolyndowcatering.com/
25 years since she took over the family business
“Just as I graduated college (and was singing my heart out in a rock and roll band), my mother was starting her catering business. I didn’t particularly like to cook and was not at all interested in that field, but after spending time helping her, I started feeling differently. I discovered rather quickly how fun and rewarding it was to be a part of presenting an amazing dining experience for our customers. Two years later my Mom decided to move out West and asked me to give it a try and take over what she had built. That’s how I started.”
Carolyn took over the business with her wonderful Thai chef who handled all the cooking and before she knew it, 25 years had passed and the business is still going strong!
Work with people you can trust and help each other out
Carolyn started this business in her mid-twenties and got married in her thirties. She was pregnant soon after her marriage but her marriage did not last long. She got a divorce when her son was two years old and she raised him single handedly.
“We usually do not have to cater an event every single day. My work hours were relatively flexible. There were surely problems and issues from time to time, but I was surrounded by friends who helped me do my job and raise my son. I have been blessed to have people around me who cared about us. Without their help, I might not have been able to pull it off.”
“The good thing about running your own business is that you can work with the people you love”, said she. She also told us that it was the freedom that makes it so wonderful: the freedom of working with members you can trust, and achieving something with them.
As a mother, “my child’s happiness is all I want”
Most of all, however, what kept her going was her son.
“For me, my child’s happiness is all I want. Of course I have put my best efforts into my job, but my son had always been the top priority. When you are raising a child and working at the same time, it is very important not to take in everything on your own. It is OK to ask for help. Do not try to do everything by yourself. That is the most important advice I can give.”
# 世界で活躍するママプレナー®に会いたい!—–Introduction
# Interview01 ひでこコルトンさん —– Hideko Colton / COLTONS NEWYORK,CEO
# Interview03 キャロリン・ダウさん—– Carolyn Dow / Carolyn Dow Catering
# Interview04 ハリーナ・ホフマンさん—–Halina Hofmann / Managing Partner at Aspiro Group
makeup by Aya Ogasawara(KISSUI)
photo by Yoko Miyazaki(KISSUI)
interview by Yuka Yanagisawa & Yu Oshima(Mompreneurs)
interpreter by Maiko Kawamoto
written by Yu Oshima(Mompreneurs)
translate by Marie Y Sato
Mompreneurs 編集部
Mompreneurs 編集部です。
Coming soon.