内海 裕子2016/8/3

KISSUI × Mompreneur®s in New York— #Interview02
今回2人目にご紹介するのは、ニューヨークで会社を経営するママプレナー®、オガスタス今泉江利子さんです。今泉さんは、2004年に日米をつなぐコンサルティング会社・IZUMIビジネスソリューションズ、2010年には企業研修や企業向けEラーニングコンテンツの開発を手掛けるWaterview Consulting Group, Incの2つの会社を設立。自ら代表を務め、日本企業が海外に進出するための支援をしています。
Our second interview was with Ms. Eriko Imaizumi Augustus. She is a Mompreneur® who runs a business in New York. She founded two companies, Izumi Solutions in 2004, a consulting company which conducts business linking Japan and the US, and Waterview Consulting Group Inc. in 2010, another company which develops contents of E-learning programs for internships and company trainings. She is the CEO for both companies and continuously supports Japanese companies expanding their businesses overseas.
What made her decide to found a company (or two) in New York? Here is what she had to say.
#Eriko Imaizumi Augustus / IZUMI Business Solutions LLC,Founder and President
IZUMIビジネスソリューションズLLC www. Izumibusiness.com
Waterview Consulting Group, Inc. www.waterviewcoaching.com
Something unexpected led me to start a company
“My father used to run a small business. After he passed away, my mother took over his business and I grew up watching her run the company. I vaguely thought that I was going to follow my mother’s footsteps and run a business when I grew up.”
Influenced by her parents, Eriko has had an idea for business in mind for a while, but her reason to start a business was something much unexpected. 15 years had passed since she moved to New York, got married and had a child when suddenly her husband had to leave work. There was no more money coming in and her husband had difficulties finding a new job. She had to do something about it. She thought of a business she can manage based on her previous careers: She started to take in various jobs such as consulting, translating and attending clients.
Then came the desire to expand the business
It was something she started to survive. The more she worked, however, the more her feelings towards her business changed.
“With my husband out of work, I was driven to work hard to support my family at that time. We already had a child, so I did what I could do to earn the living and to take care of him at the same time. Our priority was to earn our livings and to be financially stabilized. As time went by, I came to think that I wanted to grow the company I had started.
Changing from “for my family” to “for my employees”
As her child grew, Eriko has started to expand her business more actively. She started to put in more efforts in her business by creating carefully thought out plans, employing mothers in similar situations and performing marketing. Before she knew it, 12 years have passed. Both of her companies are lucky to have excellent clients and they have become financially solid as well.
“First, my family was the driving force of mine. Ever since I started to hire mothers in similar situations, I strongly began to think that I wanted to do my best to keep them their jobs. It is very difficult to support a family financially no matter where you live. It is my clear wish to contribute to one mother, one family at a time, by any means, so that they can lead a steady life. My son is almost grown up, heading for college in two years’ time. It is now time for me to work even harder not just for my family but also for my staff members and provide them with what they deserve.
# 世界で活躍するママプレナー®に会いたい!—–Introduction
# Interview01 ひでこコルトンさん —– Hideko Colton / COLTONS NEWYORK,CEO
# Interview02 オガスタス今泉江利子さん—–Eriko Imaizumi Augustus / IZUMI Business Solutions LLC,Founder and President
# Interview03 キャロリン・ダウさん—– Carolyn Dow / Carolyn Dow Catering
# Interview04 ハリーナ・ホフマンさん—–Halina Hofmann / Managing Partner at Aspiro Group
hair&makeup by Aya Ogasawara(KISSUI)
photo by Yoko Miyazaki(KISSUI)
interview by Yuka Yanagisawa & Yu Oshima(Mompreneurs)
written by Yu Oshima(Mompreneurs)
translate by Marie Y Sato
Mompreneurs 編集部
Mompreneurs 編集部です。
Coming soon.