内海 裕子2016/8/3

KISSUI × Mompreneur®s in New York — #Interview01
ニューヨークで活躍するママプレナー®として最初に登場いただくのは、料理家のひでこコルトンさん。アメリカ在住25年、代表を務めるCOLTONS NEWYORKでは、ニューヨーク流の「おもてなし」を伝える「NY*おもてなし料理教室」を開催。日本にはない新しいスタイルが人気を博しています。
Our first interview with a Mompreneur® in New York was with Ms. Hideko Colton who has been in the United States for 25 years. She is a chef and CEO of COLTONS NEWYORK. One of the popular features in her business is a class of “Cooking and eating – New York Style”, a unique cooking class concept uncommon in Japan.
We have interviewed Hideko and asked what made her decide to start a food business.
COLTONS NEWYORK www.coltonsnewyork.com
オフィシャルブログ http://ameblo.jp/coltonsnewyork
著書「NYのおもてなしレシピ」 http://ur0.work/rRzr
A new chapter of my life in my forties
She was not always leading the life she has now. Before she established her current well balanced work & life style, she was working for a foreign based brokerage firm for more than 10 years, travelling back and forth between Japan and the US. When she was entering her forties, however, she decided to alter her life style all because of her son.
“I was 39 years old, when I first gave birth. I returned to work after my son was born. With help from a babysitter, I was working until my son was 3 years old. He was a baby we really longed for, and to be honest, it was difficult for me to leave my child in the hands of a babysitter and not being able to be with him all the time. This was the reason why I decided to leave my job and become a stay-home mom at that time.”
Take your time and move forward one step at a time
As her child grew, Hideko started to think about going back to work. A new career she chose was in food business. She came up with this business idea by not separating her life as a home maker and a business person. Cooking is part of a daily life. Why not make this a business? This is how she found a business opportunity while spending time at home.
“My highest priority was to be with my son. For me to be able to control time to do so, I had to come up with a concept of business which I can start on my own. After all, I have always dreamed of starting my own business. I had enjoyed raising my son at first, and then started to plan my new business during the free hours I had. I have set up a yearly goal and prepared for my new business one step at a time.”
Find a job that you love to do, and make yourself and your child happy
When Hideko’s son began kindergarten, she had more time to spend on her new career. Things went fast after that. As the reputation of her original cooking classes was built, she expanded her business wider: she now holds cooking lessons in Japan as well as in New York, and wrote books, too! “My line of work may look graceful like a swan to others but I am working hard to stay afloat”, said Hideko jokingly. “Raising a child and doing business at the same time is not an easy thing to do”: here is her message to us.
“Business is not easy. You need to be determined to continue what you do. Once you set your mind to it, however, I believe that you will begin to see things and understand how to keep going. If there is a job that you wish to pursue with your life, I advise you to work on it. No matter how small the step is, you should take that step to advance towards your dream job. It is always one step at a time. If you can make yourself happy, your family and friends will catch some of your happiness as well.”
# 世界で活躍するママプレナー®に会いたい!—–Introduction
# Interview01 ひでこコルトンさん —– Hideko Colton / COLTONS NEWYORK,CEO
# Interview03 キャロリン・ダウさん—– Carolyn Dow / Carolyn Dow Catering
# Interview04 ハリーナ・ホフマンさん—–Halina Hofmann / Managing Partner at Aspiro Group
hair&makeup by Aya Ogasawara(KISSUI)
photo by Yoko Miyazaki(KISSUI)
interview by Yuka Yanagisawa & Yu Oshima(Mompreneurs)
written by Yu Oshima(Mompreneurs)
translate by Marie Y Sato
Mompreneurs 編集部
Mompreneurs 編集部です。
Coming soon.